A recent viral news story emerged from Queens, New York, featuring a burglar skillfully gliding across the floor while clutching a mysterious device. Speculation surrounding the incident suggested that the device in question was a wifi jammer, utilized by the burglar to disrupt the home's wifi network and render the alarm system useless, thus evading detection.
Is this even possible? Yes, yes it is.
Typically, these jamming devices produce a signal that disrupts communication on the frequencies used by 3G, 4G, 5G, cordless, and wifi networks. Essentially, they affect all of these networks.
The presence of excessive noise disrupts the functioning of devices that rely on those frequencies, preventing them from operating normally. Consequently, even emergency networks utilized by first responders are affected, rendering such devices illegal. However, these illicit devices are manufactured and sold on the black market, and it is possible for individuals to construct their own. It is advisable to refrain from searching online for instructions on how to do so, as it may attract unwanted attention from surveillance authorities.
A jammer disrupts the frequencies utilized by our devices by generating its own noise, thereby preventing them from functioning. As these frequencies emanate from the signal blocker device, they have the potential to obstruct numerous devices, including those not intended by the user.
Upon discovering this information, do you believe it has the potential to disrupt your phones, alarm sensors, alarm base station, smart locks, and wifi cameras? Indeed, it is a possibility.
It is natural to have the question in mind, "Andy, my alarm system has a cellular backup in case the wifi connection fails. Will that still be effective?" Unfortunately, the answer is no. The sensors will lose their ability to communicate with the base station due to the interference caused by these jammers. It is important to remember that these jammers not only disrupt wifi signals but also block mobile spectrums, rendering your base station unable to make calls over wifi or a cellular network.
After learning about the nature and impact of these attacks, what measures can we take to prevent them? Have you recalled my advice against displaying the alarm company's sign in your yard for an extended period?
Revealing the security measures you employ at home can make you vulnerable to attacks from criminals who may exploit your defenses. Identifying companies that utilize the 2.4 GHz band is relatively easy.
When purchasing new smart home gadgets, search for those that are dual-band or operate on the 5 gigahertz frequency. I've come across information suggesting that WPA3 security can help thwart such attacks, but it's not entirely conclusive from my perspective as a beginner. Unfortunately, any wireless alarm system remains vulnerable to jammer attacks at the moment.
Opt for a traditional approach by installing a hardwired home alarm system that operates through a landline connection. As long as there are no wireless components involved, you should be all set.
Numerous companies, such as Ring, offer cameras equipped with local storage capabilities. In the event of a wifi outage or unavailability of cloud storage, these cameras rely on local storage to capture and store video clips. Although you may not receive notifications, you can conveniently access the footage by examining the SD card within the camera itself.
If you have made a significant investment in a wifi camera system, it is advisable to consider adding an inexpensive local storage camera to your home as a backup. This precaution ensures that even if you encounter a jammer or deauth attack, at least one camera will continue to capture footage. However, it is important to note that if the attackers identify the camera, they may attempt to destroy it and seize it.