

Exercise caution when it comes to Cell Phone Jammers

Beware of cell phone jammers. Criminals may soon add the use of cell phone "jammers" to their toolkit for nefarious activities, if they haven't already. Capable of causing a "denial of service" or "DOS attack," these handheld devices are sold through various online stores for $1,000 to $2,000, but the fine for owning one can be over $10,000. The devices can be very small -- one model is said to "fit into any empty cigarette pack" -- but very powerful, and once activated, they interfere with wireless signals within a radius of about 100 feet from the device.

Devices that illegally silence cell phones

The Ottawa Sun has brought attention to an incident in Canada involving cell phone jammers. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has responded by issuing a warning to all police agencies nationwide about the use of these devices. The catalyst for this action was an encounter between two Quebec police officers and two suspects on a dark highway, which caused disruption to their walkie-talkies.

The Mount Spokane incident clearly demonstrated the efficacy of these jammers in interfering with police radio communications. As a result, several safety alerts have been issued in recent weeks to raise awareness among officers regarding the potential risks these devices pose to their safety.

Despite the clear language of Section 333 in the FCC Rules, which explicitly prohibits intentional or malicious interference with radio communication, the agency grapples with practical limitations that hinder its ability to enforce this rule effectively.

FCC and Verizon Wireless investigators were said to have visited an upscale Maryland restaurant last year, as per the restaurant owner. The owner, who chose to remain anonymous, mentioned investing $1,000 in a powerful jammer to prevent employees from diverting their attention to their phones rather than attending to customers.

He recounted how he persistently advised them, saying, "Set aside your phones, set aside your phones, set aside your phones." Yet, they stubbornly ignored his words. The owner mentioned that FCC investigators diligently prowled the neighborhood for a week, utilizing specialized equipment designed to detect signal jammers. However, the owner had deactivated the equipment.

The Verizon investigators also faced disappointment in their attempts. The owner explained that the individual took the initiative to contact every resident in the town, providing them with his phone number and emphasizing the importance of immediate communication if they faced any difficulties. However, the owner has now discontinued the use of the jammer.




No Name Ninja