

Discontinue the Observation of My Activities Through Cctv Cameras

Everyone knows what CCTV cameras are, so my question is: can I use some kind of wifijammer to keep this rude thing away from me?!

Desktop  Jammers

Do you want to deal with annoying CCTV cameras (and maybe even video cameras) that are making your life worse? Great! Then you need to use that kind of signal jamming device, which has a wide spectrum consisting of the frequency bands it jams. I'm talking about UHF and VHF jammers, especially this one.

You see, the UHF and VHF bands contain a lot of different frequencies, so they are able to jam a lot of different electronic devices, which is really great because this particular device can be very helpful to a lot of people and solve a lot of their problems. It can help you too.

The operating frequency of CCTV cameras is within the frequency range of this desktop signal jammer, so within the shielding range of this device all CCTV cameras, hidden or not, will be completely blocked and unable to transmit any video signals.

Use a jammer to block the air conditioning control at my neighbor's house?

portable cell phone jammers

My neighbor has told me about his new air conditioner. Is there any way to disable the remote command?

Different modern people actively use modern devices. It is not a wrong decision. At the same time, many people forget that they should not show what they bought. Your neighbors also forget about this.

You can use special control jammers for any air conditioner. Such devices are specially designed for this purpose. In addition, these blockers operate at different frequencies and provide a test for unknown signals. You can use the device not only to lock the remote control, but also to perform other tasks with it. Choose only profitable modern solutions.




No Name Ninja